Electric Toyota sets Nurburgring lap record | Motorsport - Car News Oct 2012

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15:22 Wednesday 03 Oct 2012

Toyota Motorsport has obliterated its own Nurburgring lap record for electric cars with a time of 7 minutes 22 seconds.

Let's just get this straight. An electric car has lapped the most fearsome racing track in the known universe quicker than a Ferrari Enzo or a Porsche Carrera GT.

The car in question is the EV P002, an all-electric racer powered by two electric motors and a lithium ceramic battery. Last year it lapped the 'Ring in 7 minutes 47 seconds and, somehow, Toyota has managed to find another 25 seconds from somewhere. Maybe they turned the air-conditioning off.

The EV P002 develops 375bhp and, thanks to its lightweight body, it can reach a top speed on the scary side of 160mph.

The car can also be charged up without being plugged into a power socket. A 42kw lithium-ion battery is fitted to the back of a Toyota Hiace van and is charged up from the mains. The EV P002 can then be plugged into the van and charged up on the move.

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