Used Volkswagen Cars
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CarSite can help you find the cheapest Volkswagen Cars online. We have the most Used Volkswagen Cars for Sale, listed online. When it comes to looking for a Used Volkswagen Car CarSite is the ideal search partner for you.
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Volkswagen Cars in the UK
Volkswagen is one of the most well known car brands across the world. It became famous thanks to the iconic Volkswagen Beetle and now produces one of the widest ranges of cars which are renowned for their build quality and reliability. It is now best known for the Volkswagen Golf, one of the most popular hatchbacks on the market. You can read more Volkswagen reviews here.
The history of Volkswagen is an intriguing story. Volkswagen was the brainchild of Ferdinand Porsche in 1934. It was the product of a scheme to create a “peoples’ car” - a more affordable automobile for the general public.
The “peoples’ car” survived the Second World War and by 1955 was expanding outside of Germany with a worldwide market. After its original success the company saw many ups and downs, but really found its feet with its Volkswagen Polo, Golf and Passat modes.
The early 1990s saw Volkswagen expand further when it purchased SEAT and Skoda. It also won the European Car of the Year award in 1992 with the Volkswagen Golf and since then has become one of the key innovators in the automotive industry while still setting a high benchmark for quality and design.
We have 11,522 Used Volkswagen Cars for Sale. CarSite lists 133,934 Used Cars for Sale online, updated daily. We can help you find the Cheapest Used Volkswagen Car local to you!