Used Skoda Cars
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Skoda Cars in the UK
The Skoda brand has become one of most recognisable makes in the UK, known for producing good quality cars that represent excellent value for money as well as its 'Simply Clever' features, designed to make every day life that bit easier. Skoda has a range of family SUVs including the Skoda Kamiq, Skoda Karoq and the seven-seat Skoda Kodiaq. You can read more Skoda reviews here.
The history of Skoda goes back to a bicycle repair shop owned by Vaclav Klement and Vaclav Laurin. Soon after opening their Bicycle repair shop Klement and Laurin bought a Werner ‘motorcyclist’ which inspired them to build their own which consisted of an engine mounted on the handlebars which drove the front wheels. After a few attempts at improving the initial design they created the Slavia Motorcycle in 1899 which contained an electromagnetic system advised by ingnition specialist Robert Bosch. The team were credited by the press with making the first motorcycle and after further success with motorcycles began manufacturing automobiles in 1905. Eventually Klement and Laurin were taken over by arms manufacturer Skoda works in 1924.
Since then Skoda’s name has grown and in 1991, Skoda joined forces with Volkswagen becoming the fourth element in the Volkswagen Group. Volkswagen’s experience has helped to fix many of the styling and mechanical problems that Skoda had previously faced. Skoda is part of the Volkswagen Group alongside SEAT and Audi.
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