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SEAT is a Spanish car manufacturer that is part of the Volkswagen Group. It holds the distinction of being the only Spanish car-maker with the ability to design, develop, and produce its own vehicles. It now has a range of family SUVs including the SEAT Arona and SEAT Ateca. You can read more SEAT reviews here.
SEAT's history begins in 1950 when it was founded as a subsidiary of Fiat. Its first car rolled out in 1953, the 1400 model and by 1957 it helped Spain welcome in massive motorization. For many years SEATs were basically just rebadged Fiats. In 1981 however, Fiat withdrew from the SEAT Company and Volkswagen stepped in under contract. SEAT’s first original product was then produced in 1982, the SEAT Ronda. In 1986, Volkswagen became the major share holder in the SEAT Company.
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