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Porsche is a German sports car manufacturer and one of the most recognised performance brands in the world. It is of course well known for building some of the best supercars available but also has a range of luxury SUVs.
Porsche history starts in 1931 when it was founded by Ferdinand Porsche, the engineer who designed the first Volkswagen. The first Porsche was the Porsche 64 that was introduced in 1939 and shared many components with the Volkswagen Beetle.
The first Porsche to actually see production was the Porsche 356 that was produced in 1948. The car was produced in Austria where the company had been evacuated to during the war.
In 1951, Ferdinand Porsche suffered a stroke and died shortly after. Ferdinand Porsche’s son Ferry Porsche would continue to pursue in the work that he and his father had started.
The Porsche 356 would undergo several enhancements in order to remove all Volkswagen parts and replace them with Porsche components all the way down to Porsche designed engines.
Porsche had experienced a good deal of success in motor-racing with the 550 Spyder and in 1963 the company introduced the Porsche 911. The car was designed with a 6-cylinder rear-engine.
Porsche maintained its close ties with the Volkswagen Company and in 1969 the two companies partnered to design the VW-Porsche 914 and the 914-6. In the years to follow the two companies would share many components and trade elements. In 2005, Porsche acquired an 18.65 per cent stake in Volkswagen. In 2009 Porsche and Volkswagen reached an agreement to merge and form an "Integrated Automotive Group".
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