Used Mini Cars
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Mini Cars in the UK
MINI has an established history here in the UK and under the BMW brand it has gone from strength to strength across the world.
Upon its release in 1959, the original Mini was sold by two of the British Motor Corporation brands, Austin and Morris - being named the Seven and Mini-Minor respectively. Due to the popularity of these cars, which were thought of as a fashion or lifestyle statement, Mini became an established brand of its own by 1967.
Through the years the Mini has undergone many changes in design as well as several owners. The 1980s were particularly rough on the brand and it struggled for survival. It began to design special anniversary editions that were able to sustain the company until 2000.
In 1994 BMW purchased the Rover Group, which incorporated the Mini brand. They planned to develop a new MINI to reinvigorate the brand, but required it to feature the distinctive BMW characteristics, to uphold their standards. The first of the new generation of MINI was released in 2001 to universal praise. While still knowns for small cars, the brand has increased its range with models like the MINI Countryman and MINI Clubman.
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