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Mazda is a Japanese car manufacturer which began as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co. Ltd. in 1920 as a tool manufacturer. In 1931 it introduced the Mazda-Go, moving it from tools to vehicles but it wasn't until 1960 that it produced a four-wheeled car. It is well known for its Mazda MX-5 sports car and its range of small SUVs.
Following this, in the early 1960s Mazda put a major engineering effort into development of the Wankel rotary engine - a way of differentiating itself from other Japanese auto companies. Beginning with the Cosmo Sport in 1967 and continuing in the 2000s with the Mazda RX-8, Mazda has become the sole manufacturer of Wankel-type engines.
Mazda’s success continued until the oil crisis of 1973, when it focussed more of its energy on piston engines, as customers were looking for more fuel efficient cars. In 1996 the Ford Motor Company took control of 33.4 percent of the company and held the majority of the controlling interest. Mazda enjoyed a good level of success in the 1980’s but saw a decline in sales during the 1990s.
In recent years however, the company has prospered and in 2015 Mazda produced 1.5 million vehicles for global sales. Mazda has also had success in the racing world.
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