Used Maserati Cars
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Maserati is an Italian car brand and one of the oldest in Europe, established in 1914 in Bologna. The company is most associated with the production of luxury cars and sports cars.
The Maserati history starts with brothers, Alfieri, Bindo, Carlo, Ettore, and Ernesto, who were all involved with automobiles from the beginning of the 20th century. The brothers initially started building race cars for Diatto, a company that had been around since 1835. The creation of the first Maserati was resultant of Diatto’s decision to suspend the production of race cars in 1926.
Maserati race cars went on to be very successful for the next three decades, claiming in excess of 500 race victories. This continued until 1957 when the company retired from racing after the Guidizzolo tragedy, where 15 people lost their lives, including 13 spectators.
The company then focussed on producing road cars. Maserati went on to be owned by French manufacturer, Citroen, in 1968, and later De Tomaso in 1975 after the company went into administration. The company was taken over by Fiat in 1993. Fiat then sold half of Maserati to its biggest competitor, Ferrari, in 1997, which then took full control in 1999. The company has since separated from Ferrari and is once again run by Fiat, who merged Maserati with Alfa Romeo in 2005. It is now part of the huge Stellantis corporation along with Alfa Romeo, Citroen, Fiat, Peugeot, Jeep and Vauxhall among others.
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