Used Lexus Cars
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CarSite can help you find the cheapest Lexus Cars online. We have the most Used Lexus Cars for Sale, listed online. When it comes to looking for a Used Lexus Car CarSite is the ideal search partner for you.
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Lexus is the luxury car division of the Japanese-based Toyota Motor Corporation and was formed in 1989.
In 1983 Toyota chairman Eiji Toyoda held a meeting where it was decided the time was right to create a new luxury vehicle. By 1985, focus groups were formed and design teams were creating prototypes. By July of that year, the LS 400 was built and testing began. This went on for several years until January of 1989 when the LS 400 and ES 250 were unveiled at the Detroit and Los Angeles auto shows. By September Lexus cars were on sale.
The company achieved rapid growth in the 1990s, developing a range of luxury vehicles and exporting models to North America, Australia and Europe.
The Lexus brand is well-recognised and is best known for its reliability and great customer service. Current popular Lexus models include the Lexus IS, LS, RX, SC, and the Lexus GS. In 1999 Lexus entered the field of motorsport, and achieved some success in touring car racing.
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