Used Land Rover Cars
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Land Rover Cars in the UK
Land Rover is a British car manufacturer that was founded in 1948 and specialises in producing high-quality 4x4 vehicles.
The design for the original Land Rover was started in 1947 when farmer Maurice Wilks wanted to build a vehicle that could work as both a light tractor and a road transport. He was said to be inspired by an American World War II Jeep that he had driven while on holiday one summer. The body of the vehicle was constructed from aluminium and Magnesium Birmabright due to the limited availability of steel, a decision that proved instrumental in the success of Land Rover, making the model lightweight and resistant to corrosion.
The inaugural Land Rover was officially launched on 30th April 1948 at the Amsterdam motor show. In 1967 Rover became a part of Leyland Motors and later British Leyland. Land Rover was formed as a separate subsidiary of the company in 1978 after the introduction of the Range Rover in 1970 and the landmark one-millionth Land Rover leaving the production line in 1976.
After being owned by BMW and Ford, the company was sold by the latter in 2008 to Tata Motors of India. Land Rover of course well known for large SUVs and is now moving into hybrid SUVs. Land Rover models are also renowned for being ideal for towing caravans and trailers.
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