Used Kia Cars
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Kia Cars in the UK
Kia is a Korean manufacturer which is partly owned by the Hyundai Motor Group. The brand was originally known for budget cars in the UK but is now producing class leading products that sell in big numbers. A prime example is the excellent Kia Sportage which is one of the best family SUVs on the market. You can read more Kia reviews here.
Kia can trace its history back to 1944 when it was as Kyungsung Precision Industry, a steel tubing and bicycle parts manufacturer, Kia is South Korea's oldest car company. The name was changed to Kia, meaning "rising out of Asia", in 1952.
In 1992, Kia expanded to the United States opening its first factory on US soil. The company has successfully built factories in many regions throughout the United States and they export to many other countries.
In 1998 Hyundai Motor Company acquired 51% of Kia, outbidding Ford Motor Company which had owned an interest in Kia Motors since 1986. After subsequent divestments, Hyundai Motor Company currently owns less than 50% of the company.
In recent years Kia has identified the European market as its main point of focus. The company offers a particularly wide range of vehicles currently in production. Kia is perhaps best known for its seven year warranty. This offer gives buyers peace of mind when purchasing a Kia.
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