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Honda is renowned for its excellent build quality and reliability while the brand continues to push boundaries with its technological innovations. It has a range of hybrid cars in its line-up as well as the Honda e retro-inspired electric car.
Honda got its start when the company released its first product in 1947. The Honda A-Type was a bicycle, powered by a small engine. The company, foreseeing future greatness, opened a small manufacturing plant. In 1948 the Honda Motor Co. was founded by Soichiro Honda and began to produce scooters and motorcycles. The company experienced great successes and continued to produce many popular scooters and motorcycles during the 1950s.
Honda began developing prototypes for cars during the 1960s. The first prototype was a small pick-up and the T360 was released in 1963. The first car they produced was the S500, a two door roadster which went into manufacture not long after the truck.
Honda has been manufacturing cars successfully in the United States since 1972 with the introduction of the Honda Civic. In 1986 it was the first manufacturer to create a separate line of luxury vehicles, known as Acura.
It continued with its technical innovation and less than a decade later, the Honda Corporation released a prototype for a humanoid robot, pushing the limits of technology. 2003 saw the first test flights of the Honda Jet, with 2005 seeing the first mass produced motorcycle with air-bags.
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