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CarSite can help you find the cheapest Ford Cars online. We have the most Used Ford Cars for Sale, listed online. When it comes to looking for a Used Ford Car CarSite is the ideal search partner for you.
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Ford Cars in the UK
Ford is one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and for decades Ford models like the Ford Fiesta small car have topped the best-selling charts. Now it sells some of the most popular SUVs around such as the Ford Puma and Ford Kuga. You can read more Ford reviews here.
Ford's history dates back to 1903 when Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company and the Model T was released in 1908. In 1911 Ford opened its Manchester factory - the first Ford factory outside the US.
Ford has been credited with several key innovations, such as developing large scale car manufacturing, managing an industrial workforce and maintaining an elaborate high yield assembly line. These concepts were widely recognized and Ford’s efficiently run factories skilled, highly paid workforce and low vehicle prices helped to shape car manufacturing.
The moving assembly line was Ford's most innovative implementation, allowing over one million vehicles to be produced annually. Ford also introduced minimum wage and the 40 hour work week to keep employee turnover low.
Today, Ford employs in excess of 300,000 people across the world.
We have 14,352 Used Ford Cars for Sale. CarSite lists 410,000 Used Cars for Sale online, updated daily. We can help you find the Cheapest Used Ford Car local to you!