Used Ferrari Cars for Sale

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Carrs Ferrari Marsh Barton
2019 Ferrari Portofino Convertible
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Car Hunters Steeple
2015 Ferrari CALIFORNIA Convertible
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2,853 miles
Carrs Ferrari Marsh Barton
2021 Ferrari 812 Superfast Convertible
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15,800 miles
Carrs Ferrari Marsh Barton
2018 Ferrari GTC4 Lusso Hatchback
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Ferrari is one of the most iconic brands in the world, known for building supercars and expensive cars. Beautiful styling and immense performance make Ferrari cars among the most desirable.

The history of Ferrari starts when Enzo Ferrari formed Scuderia Ferrari in Modena in 1929, as a means of sponsoring amateur racing drivers and prepared and raced Alfa Romeos. Scuderia was wound up in 1937 and the following year Enzo Ferrari was chosen to be the head of the Alfa Romeo racing department. He left in 1939 on the condition that he didn’t use the Ferrari name in association with racing for at least four years. He formed Auto Avio Costruzioni, with its headquarters on the site of the old Scuderia team, before moving to Maranello in 1943.

The first road car built was the 125 S, which was reluctantly built and sold so Enzo could continue to fund his passion for racing. They quickly gained a reputation for excellence and sales increased. Oddly enough, Enzo became widely known for his dislike of his customers because he believed they were buying his cars for prestige instead of their performance value. This along with his heavy handed managerial style and penchant for scandal caused Ferrari much upheaval and threatened the company's survival for years. Ferrari sold his cars to finance his true love, racing, which in his own words, came first. In 1949 Ferrari produced the 166 Inter, a grand tourer, which was the first move into a market the manufacturer could said to be excelling in today.  The Ferrari race team had a number of prestigious victories in the late 40’s, the Mille Miglia in 1948, Le Mans 24 Hour in 1949, and then Formula 1 world champions in 1952 and 1953.

In 1969 fiat purchased 50% of the company, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the investment in the road car development and production, with little effect on the racing department.

Ferrari continued to invest heavily in racing and road cars, and the results today are clear, as it is a well-known, respected brand and a leader in the industry. 

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