Used Chevrolet Cars
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CarSite can help you find the cheapest Chevrolet Cars online. We have the most Used Chevrolet Cars for Sale, listed online. When it comes to looking for a Used Chevrolet Car CarSite is the ideal search partner for you.
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Chevrolet Cars in the UK
Chevrolet is a famous US brand that has struggled to make an impact in Europe or the UK. Despite focussing on cheap family cars the company struggled to sell in required numbers and ceased sales in the UK in 2015.
Chevrolet was founded in 1911 by Swiss racing driver, Louis Chevrolet and former founder of General Motors, William C. Durant. Durant saw an opportunity to focus on entry-level, affordable cars, following the success of the Little, the second car they produced. This caused a difference in opinion between the owners and Chevrolet sold his share in the company to Durant in 1915. By 1916 the company was profitable enough for him to repurchase controlling interest in GM, making Chevrolet a division of the company.
Competing with Ford and Plymouth on price throughout the 1920’s and 1930’s, the three companies became known as the ‘Low-priced three’, however they produced a variety of vehicles, not only the cheaper entry level models. In 1953, it produced the Corvette, a high performance sports car, which is still being produced today.
Chevrolet began selling vehicles under other brand names, which are part of the GM group, in markets outside of North America.
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