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CarSite can help you find the cheapest BMW Cars online. We have the most Used BMW Cars for Sale, listed online. When it comes to looking for a Used BMW Car CarSite is the ideal search partner for you.
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The BMW badge is one of the most coveted in the business. The blue and white roundel represents the flag of Bavaria and also depicts a white spinning propeller against a blue sky. Today's BMW models are some of the best driver's cars on the road with advanced technology, classy interiors and bold styling such as the BMW 1 Series. You can find more BMW reviews here.
BMW's history is an interesting one. BMW started in 1916 as an aircraft engine manufacturer, under the name Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke (BFW), which was changed to Bayerische Motoren Werke in 1917. Following the end of the First World War and the Versailles Armistice Treaty the company was forced to cease aircraft engine production. This caused a shift to motorcycle production, with its first motorcycle being produced in 1923 and later to car production.
BMW bought the Dixi manufacturing company, which was producing the Austin Seven, under licence, in 1928 to make the BMW 3/15 its first car, before beginning to produce and design its own cars in the early 1930’s. As the Second World War broke out, BMW production again shifted to aircraft engines. Again, following the end of the war, BMW found itself in difficulty as demand for the engines being produced dried up and a ban was imposed on production. It wouldn’t return to producing motorcycles until 1948 and cars until 1952.
In 1959, with the company in financial crisis, there was a proposal to be taken over by Daimler-Benz, but small shareholders railed and formed a counter proposal to avoid the merger. In 1962 it launched the BMW 1500, the ‘New Class’ and managed to re-define itself as manufacturers of high quality vehicles. This ‘new class’ continued to be developed and became the predecessors to the BMW 3 Series and BMW 5 Series.
In 1994 BMW acquired the Rover Group, which included Rover, Land Rover and MG. These manufacturers have since been sold, however BMW still maintain the rights to the new MINI, which was launched in 2001. Today, BMW is highly regarded as a luxury brand that is pushing innovation forward with its development of luxury SUVs and electric cars.
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