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German manufacturer Audi has created an image of prestige and performance that enables it to compete with rival luxury manufacturers such as BMW and Mercedes. Audi has a long history of producing well-built, quality cars and makes innovative, safe and technologically sound vehicles, such as the Audi Q3. Read more Audi Reviews.
The Four rings that have come to be Audi’s trademark logo are representative of the company’s history and the merger in 1932 of four independent vehicle manufacturers - Audi, DKW, Wanderer, and Horch. They merged together to become Auto Union, with the four rings representing each company, but only used the badge on Auto Union racing cars, with each company continuing to use their individual names and badges.
During the Second World War the Auto Union factories were transformed to produce military weaponry and machinery, so production ceased. Following the war the factories were dismantled as part of reparations and the company lost all assets. In 1949, Auto Union again began producing the pre-war models, including a small motorcycle and delivery van.
In 1958, Daimler-Benz acquired 87% of the company, before increasing this holding to 100% the following year. After investment in a new factory, Daimler-Benz made the decision to sell the company, with Volkswagen purchasing 50% in 1964, due to a lack of profitability. By 1966, VW had gained complete control and was utilising the spare capacity of the Auto Union factory to produce additional Beetles, while selling the Auto Union vehicles simply as Audi.
In 1969, Auto Union merged with NSU, to form the company Audi NSU Auto Union AG, re-introducing Audi as a brand for the first time since the merger of the four companies.
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