Used Aston Martin Cars
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Aston Martin Cars in the UK
Aston Martin is one of the Britain's most renowned sports car manufacturers, building amazing supercars and sports cars. Aston Martin is also known throughout the world as James Bond's car of choice. It has even branched out into the world of the SUV.
The company was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford who prepared Singer cars for hill climbing. Following success at the Aston Hill course the name Aston Martin was created in 1914, producing the first car under its brand the following year. Aston Martin continued to focus on racing, making its first appearance at the French Grand Prix in 1922 and later going on to break world speed records at Brooklands.
The company faced bankruptcy in 1924 and was saved by Lady Charmwood, however it failed again in 1925 and the factory closed the following year, with Lionel Martin leaving. For years the company struggled financially and had numerous investors come and go, including Sir David Brown, which was the beginning of the DB series of Aston Martins.
In 1994 the Ford Motor Company acquired the manufacturer, placing it into the Premier Automotive Group (PAG), along with car-makers such as Land Rover, Volvo and Jaguar. Following the purchase of a new factory, the company was able to generate a record breaking 700 cars in 1995, due to the investment in new manufacturing methods Ford had brought to Aston Martin.
In 2006 Ford was forced to dismantle PAG and Aston Martin was sold to a consortium led by David Richards (chairman of Prodrive). In 2018 it was listed on the London Stock Exchange.
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