Used Citroen Cars
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Citroen has long had a reputation for innovation and unique design as well as comfort. Today it is best known for producing family cars and MPV models.
Citroen was established in 1919 by Andre-Gustave Citroen, a French industrialist. He established the first mass-production of cars outside of the US after being responsible for the mass-production of armaments during the First World War. In 1924 Citroen unveiled the first all-steel car body in Europe, before developing the Traction Avant, which contained a number of revolutionary features.
Citroen faced financial difficulties and by 1934 filed for bankruptcy. Michelin became the company’s largest shareholder and following increased sales of the Traction Avant the company was saved. Production ceased during the German occupation of France, however Citroen researchers continued to work in secret and developed ideas for future models.
In 1955 the hydro-pneumatic self-levelling suspension system was developed, a system that would become synonymous with Citroens of the future and came to feature on several different models. It maintains a constant ride height above the road, absorbing any rough terrain.
In 1968, Michelin sold 49% of the company to Fiat and later that year Citroen purchased Maserati. In 1973, due in part to the oil crisis, Citroen was struggling financially, and Fiat sold its 49% steak back to Michelin. The following year the company was bankrupt. The French government, worried about potential job losses, arranged a merger between Citroen and Peugeot, in which Peugeot purchased 38.2% of the company and became in charge of management, before it took control of 90% in 1976 forming PSA Peugeot Citroen.
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