Mazda sets new world record | Car Talk - Car News Jun 2013

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12:36 Monday 17 Jun 2013

A total of 683 Mazda MX-5s have gone on parade at an event in the Netherlands, breaking the world record for the longest ever parade of Mazdas.

1450 participants contributed to the successful record attempt, eclipsing the existing record of 459 MX-5s which was set in Essen, Germany in 2010.

At the end of the event, about 250 cars still present assembled in front of an enormous screen to form a huge drive-in cinema. The owners were told to choose from a list of three films by blowing their horn to indicate their preferred choice. The film chosen was Arbitrage, starring Richard Gere.

Normally we wouldn't cover this type of story -- after all, it's not exactly news. However, we thought that the accompanying pictures of the event impressive enough to earn a mention. After all, it's not every day you see Richard Gere's enormous head looking down on hundreds of Japanese sports cars, is it?


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