Last Mini to leave Longbridge sells for £1,400 | Car Talk - Car News Jul 2013

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09:52 Monday 29 Jul 2013

The last Mini to leave the former MG Rover factory in Longbridge has fetched £1,400 at auction.

Although the original Mini went out of production in the year 2000, the car you see above is officially the last example of Sir Alec Issigonis' legendary small car to leave the Longbridge factory, having been left forgotten in one of the tunnels underneath the factory for more than thirty years.

The car, a Mini Clubman 1275 GT, was used by workers to travel around the Longbridge plant in the late 1970s; however, after covering just 11 miles, a storage container fell on it, creating a huge V-shaped dent in the roof.

The workers decided to hide the ruined car in the network of tunnels in the bowels of the factory, which had originally served as an air-raid shelter for Austin employees during the Second World War, but which had served as a storage area in more recent years.

The car was rescued from the site in September 2012, shortly before the tunnels were due to be filled in.

The car was auctioned by Silverstone Auctions at the Silverstone racing circuit in Northamptonshire as part of its Classic Car, Motorcycle, Automobilia and Lifestyle sale.


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